Thursday, March 5, 2009

Testing of Depleted Uranium on U.S. Soil

Navy pitches training plans Much of a public hearing is devoted to addressing environmental concerns

By Winston Ross
The Register-Guard
Posted to Web: Friday, Feb 27, 2009 01:20PM Appeared in print: Friday, Feb 27, 2009, page B3
News Updates: Story

TILLAMOOK — The U.S. Navy held an event Thursday night that was part public hearing, part public relations blitz.

Sensitive to the heat endured earlier this month over its plans to increase training activities in a 126,000-square-mile swath of the Pacific Ocean between Washington and California, the Navy agreed to host a second hearing on the topic, and extend until Wednesday the public comment period, after members of Oregon’s congressional delegation all but demanded it.

But the military opened the doors at the Tillamook County Fairgrounds 2½ hours before taking any public comment, handing out spiral-bound notebooks with packets about its 1,068-page draft Environmental Impact Statement, dispatching a half-dozen experts on the various segments of the training program, and showing a six-minute video.

Members of the media got a glossy “whale protection” chart intended to show the Navy’s understanding of how whales behave underwater and its concern for protecting the species from harm as a result of naval training.

Clearly, the government wanted to show Oregonians that their concerns about more underwater bombs, missiles, 5-inch naval guns, high-intensity sonar testing and an underwater “dummy” minefield are being heeded.

“There’s not as great an understanding of what we do, where we do it and why we do it” in Oregon, said John Mosher, project manager of the Navy’s Pacific Fleet, which includes two aircraft carriers, 24 ships and submarines and 21 aviation stations.

In Washington and California, there’s been less vocal concern about the Navy’s activities because there’s more of a visible presence there, added Sheila Murray, an environmental public affairs officer. “They understand the mission of the sailor,” she said.

After the two-hour “open house,” Navy officials got a chance to hear the public’s questions about the proposed expanded training, and whether it’s at odds with the state’s marine life.
Perhaps because military officials did so much beforehand to explain the Navy’s plans and answer questions, the public comments weren’t necessarily virulent.

Linda Buell, a member of the Fishermen’s Advisory Committee in Tillamook, thanked the Navy for coming and asked only that the military notify state fish and wildlife officials and fishermen’s committees up and down the coast about planned training activities.

The chief complaint from many who spoke had less to do with the proposed activities and more to do with the lack of public notice about the Navy’s intent.

“This is an illegal and invalid meeting,” said Charlotte Mills, a resident from Tidewater who said she has joined a group that will contest the legality of the meeting’s public notice as required by the National Environmental Policy Act.

Rick Goche, chairman of the Oregon Albacore Commission, said fishermen are worried about depleted uranium and other environmental impacts, adding that albacore tuna are sensitive to noise. He asked the Navy not to expand its training activities.

“I have an acoustic specialist come to my boat every year and test it, to make sure it’s not giving off noise that could drive tuna away,” Goche said. “Even a small noise can shut off the bite.”
Some residents spoke in favor of the expanded training. Edna and Robert Kenney took the podium wearing T-shirts that read “Navy Mom” and “Navy Dad,” respectively, and said they constantly worry about their four children who are serving in the Navy.

“The equipment we have today is so different than what they used to have,” Edna Kenney said.
“They travel all over the world, and we never know where they are until they’re back. Their lives are endangered many times.”

On the Web:
Written comments: Send to Naval Facilities Engineering Command Northwest 1101 Tautog Circle, Silverdale, WA 98315-1101, Attn: Kimberly Kler — NWTRC EIS. Comments must be received by Wednesday.

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